Return & replacement
Return & replacement
Return & replacement
How do I return?
How do I return?
How do I return?
Pickup & Exchange Timeline
Pickup & Exchange Timeline
Pickup & Exchange Timeline
Exchange Cost Difference & Shipping Fees
Exchange Cost Difference & Shipping Fees
Exchange Cost Difference & Shipping Fees
How long does it take for an order to reach you?
How long does it take for an order to reach you?
How long does it take for an order to reach you?
How do we handle order deliveries?
How do we handle order deliveries?
How do we handle order deliveries?
Does your order qualify for free shipping?
Does your order qualify for free shipping?
Does your order qualify for free shipping?
Payment methods
Payment methods
Payment methods
Still got a question?
Have a question about or need support of any sort? Feel free to email us or give us a call. Our team is available 24/7 to assist you, come rain or shine.
Welcome to Storea, your ultimate destination for exquisite home décor! Our mission is to help you create a beautifully styled home with our stunning collection of vases and centrepiece.
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Welcome to Storea, your ultimate destination for exquisite home décor! Our mission is to help you create a beautifully styled home with our stunning collection of vases and centrepiece.
(+1) 000 000 000
Welcome to Storea, your ultimate destination for exquisite home décor! Our mission is to help you create a beautifully styled home with our stunning collection of vases and centrepiece.